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Hi Radiant Being!

I am Tara Antler...

...a Spiritual Teacher (my whole life), Intuitive Healer (22+ yrs) & Soul Coach. I've been known to be a Light & Energy Activator - helping others access the Quantum Field & Cosmic Frequencies (words from a Tibetan Monk who experienced this from me).

I am a published author, speaker & Certified Holistic Health Practitioner. I am a soulful mama to 3, Divine Partner to Gabriel & positive lover of life! I have dedicated most of my life to helping clients transform "the ick & the stick", access soul clarity, activate Divine gifts & become the highest expression of self!


I believe we are here to ignite & consciously create "heaven" (bliss, joy, abundance, radiance) on earth.

May this bright space activate Your Light & support you in becoming the greatest expression of YOU. You will find Spiritual Growth resources & ways for you to Master your journey!


You are designed to Thrive! It's time to create a Life of AWEsome!


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I am so deeply grateful for the presence of every member of Ascension Academy of Light, in my life. There were many different focuses in my phone call with Tara today and she gave me so much clarity. A HUGE thank you to all of you for lighting up what was once such a dark path. ♥️✨ Thank you for doing what you do. The world needs more people like you and you are helping to create them. I’m deeply grateful for you♥️

- Madison Moore -

Explore The Spectrum of Our Light-Work

Are you ready to embody your most expanded, fulfilled, awesome self?!
Each spiritual awakening & ascension is unique & you get to choose the most aligned path that supports your expansion. Some clients start with intuition development, while others find themselves deep in healing & inner transformation. Some clients desire to master true Co-Creation principles & create a life of incredible wealth, while others want to resolve & harmonize their core relationships.

You have a  Sacred Spark that can only be expressed as & through YOU! No two paths look the same. Therefore your path to Spiritual Growth & Expansion gets to be supported according to your Soul's Design.

Our services, programs & mentorship have been intuitively created to ignite your light & create UPward movement for your mind, body, emotions, life & soul! Guiding you to create an extraordinary life filled with JOY, ABUNDANCE, FREEDOM & LOVE!

Unlock Your Soul Potential

Discover Your path to enlightenment with Ascension Academy of Light. Join us on a transformative journey led by Tara Antler & KG - beacons of wisdom and light. Awaken your Soul-Self and activate your highest potential with their guidance.


Louise Hay
Founder of Hay House
Author of You Can Heal Your Life

Tara is one of the most loving, kind, gentle and gifted healers I've met along my journey. She is wise beyond biological years and she holds such a beautiful, powerful space that allows your innate ability to heal and rise from within.


I loved our session together and adore your light. Thank you.

P.S. Your babies are coming soon dear.

Louise Hay
Founder of Hay House
Author of You Can Heal Your Life

An Entrepreneur's Spirit in Action!

Among many things, I know myself to be a highly creative, soul-centred entrepreneur who loves to see ideas in action & form! Here are the current creations that are active for YOU to enjoy, explore & expand in!

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Soul Awakening


Powerful Meditations for Your Journey

I started meditating when I was 14....and over 22+ years, as a healer & spiritual mentor, I have recorded thousands of meditations, guided visualizations & activations.

Each one highly transformative, energy-shifting & vibrationally aligning.

Whether you're new to meditation or a "seasoned meditator" clients have said to me hundreds of times, "Tara your meditations are next level! You ability to know exactly where to guide me is wild. It's as though you're inside my head, reading my thoughts and knowing exactly what I needed."

Another "seasoned meditator" & Qi Gong Teacher said, "Very awesome that Tara took everyone up the vibrational scale (Vital, Astral, Mental, Akasha, Non Dual Light) and then pulled/manifested NDL to create a vortex...I haven't seen or heard of that before...that's some big power stuff!!! Manifesting NDL, Akasha, Elemental or Vital Energy and filling a practice space is pretty common in Hermetics...but a vortex????  I'm nerding out about it again and looking forward to walking into the studio."

Take a moment to explore some of my favourite meditations....

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We are powerful souls experiencing life in physical form!

Each moment filled with potential for spiritual expression & expansion! Every bump on the road offers an opportunity for growth & higher awareness! Every interaction a chance to love & listen a little deeper.

This journey can be joy-FULL, BE-autiful, healthy, freeing, FULL-filling, abundant & blissful! You are deserving of health & vitality, harmonious relationships, overflowing abundance & purposeFULL work in the world!
To see how life is being shaped around you, ask yourself, "What am I saying YES to?"

Life is constantly creating itself around you - through your beliefs, thoughts, wants & don't wants, focus, intentions & the past. "Life follows your YES!"
Where are you focused?

And does this focus bring you great joy?
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