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Spring Reset & Regeneration!

Happy second day of Spring!!! The Spring Equinox is one of my favourite times of year!!! It's a wonderful time for renewal, rebirth, and regeneration!! YAY!!!!

With baby due any day...this past week I was feeling extra weight, sluggishness and pressure to "get it all done" (biz, house and baby-prep)....I was feeling frustrated and starting to hear thoughts that were quite hard and harsh on myself. When I paused yesterday morning I could totally see that this experience was reflecting outdated, sluggish beliefs I recognized from the past....about having to have it all together, adding so much to my plate that I end up feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, and then spiraling downward into a complete funk of "do nothing". I immediately knew it was time to clean my "internal house". Put aside the "to-do lists" and take care of what is way more important....the internal framework, the "internal biz"....the one world that is MOST essential to getting EVERYTHING else done with ease and joy.

Sooooo.....yesterday morning I took time to reflect on what was holding me back, and clear and reset the thoughts that were not feeling great....releasing all the outdated beliefs that were surfacing and chose to breathe in thoughts of ease, grace, love, kindness, trust. I allowed my internal world to shift and elevate....and immediately felt lighter!!!! physical body actually looked, felt and became lighter! I LOVE how connected it all is! I then remembered it was officially spring! Perfect timing for rebirth, renewal and massive RESET!

I also had to remind myself that soooooooooo much BIG creation is happening within me that I'm not able to always see. Sure.....I see my belly expanding and know baby is growing exponentially.....however I don't see all the physical changes that she is going through and can often forget that there is MASSIVE creative life force happening within me that is also a part of me! And that is more enough!

To help you clear your internal biz.....internal are the steps that I have used for years and still practice to this day!


1. Take a few minutes to pause and reflect on cyclical patterns, thoughts and patterns that you find yourself stuck in or repeating.

2. To help uncover what those patterns are.....ask self, "Where am I repeating things that are not feeling great?" "Where am I getting stuck in life?" "What am I ready to change?" "Does this thought pattern seem familiar? Have I been here before?"

3. Once you see the patterns or thoughts....take a few mintues to sit still. Focus on the breath and with every exhale consciously choose to breathe out and release the patterns or thoughts that you want to release. Let them rinse from your body and awareness.

4. Once you can tangibly feel them release.....breathe in the qualities you WANT to embody or bring inward. You can ask self: "If I could rebirth myself, what version of self would I want to see and experience?" "If the fears and blocks could release, who would I be?" "If I could be free, what would my life look like?" You may hear simple things like: light, love, clarity, trust, ease, flow.

5. Create POWER statements or choose a KEY word that is positive and helps you remember what you want to embody....for example: "All is well." "I am LIGHT." "Everything flows with ease." "Trust." "Creation is happening within me 100% of the time whether I physically see it or not!" These keys phrases or words act as anchors and help bring your awareness back to what you want to create and experience. And you'll feel better by focusing your attention in this direction! allow the regeneration to activate's important to let your earth steps match what you want to create! It's important to balance internal stillness and rest with inspired action and outer creation! And I find....connecting with loving, conscious community who can support your growth is sooooooo helpful in keeping your spirit elevated and inspired! Gabriel and I have commented several times in the past month how grateful we are to have attracted a beautiful community of conscious souls and we are always here for YOU, with open hearts and arms! YOU ARE A PART OF OUR COMMUNITY and we LOVE and APPRECIATE YOU!

If you want additional support with resetting, regenerating or rebirthing....please reach out and get the support your need! Although I'm waiting for baby to arrive, I'm still here and have several ways we can work together (Inner Alchemy program, Soul Sessions, upcoming summer retreat in Ontario and online Soul Sessions / Healing Hour Meditations)!

BIG LOVE, renewal and rebirthing energy your way!!!!!


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